Best decision I ever made! Wigs for Kids is an amazing organization that offers wigs to kids with cancer at no charge. To donate, you need at least 12 in. of virgin hair. To see more about who they are and why they do what they do, visit

When I decided to become an ambassador for Wigs For Kids, I had no idea that I would meet some of the most giving & genuine men, women & children who are donating a piece of themselves because they can. Some have been growing their hair for over 4 years and are totally willing to say goodbye and start over so that someone in need can benefit. It doesn't get any better than that!

I am choosing to offer these incredibly generous Angels a free haircut so that any financial investment will go to Wigs For Kids and help with the cost of processing the hair. Here is a peek at some of the donors… Thank you. Thank you . Thank you.


hair & makeup

